Our Goal.
We strive to create a Christian- based, safe, and fun learning atmosphere, in which children respect God, themselves, their peers, and their teachers.
At Destiny Academy we prioritize our commitment to maintaining a safe, healthy environment for your children.
In understanding and sharing the same concerns about COVID-19 and it’s effect on our families, we have established our own health and safety protocols, reinforced by the CDC's preventative measures, and strive to provide you with crucial developments to help you make informed decisions for your loved ones.
How we stay safe:
Daily cleaning of classroom surfaces and materials.
An isolated and safe staging room for students that demonstrate symptoms.
Hands free sanitizer stations strategically placed at bottle filler stations and in the classroom.
Staggered recess, lunch, pick up, and chapel to minimize mixing cohorts.
Visitors to the campus will be very limited and must sign in through the office.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be conducted through scheduled Zoom meetings.